After a Degree of Master of Laws, LLM, Tony has gathered a broad background and has hold such diverse positions as Lawyer at a Business Law Firm, Head of Legal Department and Head of a Sales Department within the finance industry, CEO of IT-Companies and of a Business Incubator and Partner/Investment Manager within a venture capital company. The last ten years he has been working as Head of Legal Baltic, Head of Procurement and CSO/CISO, Head of Group Security and Cyber Defence, within SEB.

Appears in:

Panel Discussion: Trust in the age of Digital Transformation

10/02/2021 / 14:50 - 15:25

The focus of the “Trust in the Age of Digital Transformation” panel discussion is on how the increase in data traffic led to the rise of the trusted digital ID. The panelists would share their vision on the meaning of trust in the age of digital transformation and also touch base it from the cloud security prospective.