Ann Börestam, Adviser, Payments Department, Sveriges Riksbank, is working with issues related to payment infrastructure and innovation; she is also leading the Riksbank project as regards its future RIX (RTGS-system). Before joining the Riksbank, Ann worked for the European Central Bank, coordinating work related to retail payments and financial integration. She was also intensely involved in retail payments innovation and the legal aspects of payment integration. Before joining the ECB, Ann worked for the Swedish Bankers’ Association, the Swedish Ministry of Industry and the Swedish ACH, Bankgirot. Ann has a Master of Law Degree from Stockholm University.

Appears in:

Keynote: A new era in payments

09/02/2021 / 10:35 - 10:50

We are in the middle of a new era for payments; a lot of developments in the last years, and a lot more to come. The choice is wider and the process of paying smoother, faster, and much more convenient than it used to be. Changeover to electronics further fuelled by the pandemic. The Riksbank bringing forward innovation in a number of projects.

Panel Discussion: Making instant cross-border payments a reality

09/02/2021 / 10:50 - 11:20

With a growing number of countries that are renewing new domestic payment schemes to enable cross-border instant payments, the panel discussion on “Making instant cross-border payments a reality” would shed the light on where we are today in the Nordics. We will discuss the challenges and obstacles of the current infrastructure, how we envision cross-board payments in the future and what is the future role of the central bank in payment infrastructure vs commercial infrastructure.