Program 2021



09:00 - 10:30

Fintech Partnerships and Market consolidation Opportunities

Co-organized with Mastercard Lighthouse

2020 was an interesting year to say the least that caused challenges for most companies, as well as, unseen opportunities. Nordics has been long praised for their collaborative approach, thus we are raising a question if this was to the benefit or distress in these unprecedented times? With stalled funding, paused contracts and increased focus for core business only, will we see market consolidate?

Official Opening: Welcome words from the Mayor of Stockholm

09:00 - 09:05

Kick-off & Introduction to Sthlm Fintech Week 2021

09:05 - 09:10

Panel Discussion: In times of crisis, are partnerships a strength or a potential risk?

09:10 - 09:35

Nordics are known for having a collaborative business environment. Partnerships have helped startups to grow fasters and for incumbents to offer innovative technology and better customer experience. However, a lot of things were put up to a test last year including partnerships.

Partnership case - Northmill Bank and Snowflake

09:35 - 09:45

Tobias and Fredrik will talk about how a partnership between an innovative and modern bank and a reimagined data platform born in the cloud can challenge the traditional banks and become relevant to customers in a market dominated by both established actors and established solutions and software.

Tobias and Fredrik will discuss
– Why partnership between a bank and a software company?
– How to expect the unexpected and how to build your abilities of the future?
– Mistakes made and what were the lessons learned?

Fireside chat: What are the pros and cons for merging startups as a growth strategy?

09:45 - 09:55

For some companies 2020 meant stalled funding rounds, paused contracts, little activity on new business development, while others were perfectly positioned to take more market share and win. For various reasons, companies can consider mergers as a strategy for growth. During the fire-side chat we will discuss what are the pros and cons for taking this path.

Panel Discussion: Is Open Banking becoming a catalyst for mergers?

09:55 - 10:15

Open Banking has acted as a catalyst for mergers and acquisitions in financial services. During the panel we will discuss what is happening in the space right and what to expect from 2021.

Keynote: When does M&A make sense for a startup?

10:15 - 10:25

For a long time, large corporations have enjoyed a near-monopoly on the superweapon of M&A. They used their access to capital and practiced M&A functions to eliminate competitors, enter new geographies and shorten development times. Today, the rise of venture capital & founders with M&A experience are helping startups strike back. Since 2017, startups have been growing their share of the global M&A market at 15% CAGR. Last year, startup investors participated in 3.3% of global M&A transactions–up from 2.2% in 2017. Our research shows that this trend will only accelerate in the near future.

While M&A and startup investing are prone to optimism that over-promises, our research shows that acquisitive startups have higher step-up valuations than their non-acquisitive peers.

Wrap up: Key takeaways from the track

10:25 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:00

Payment Transformation

Globally, across the industry, banks are implementing digital improvements to payments systems to enhance legacy rails. With instant and real-time payments as the new norm domestically, cross-border space is now catching up. However does it move fast enough for the pace of digital transformation?

Introduction to Payment Transformation track

10:30 - 10:35

Keynote: A new era in payments

10:35 - 10:50

We are in the middle of a new era for payments; a lot of developments in the last years, and a lot more to come. The choice is wider and the process of paying smoother, faster, and much more convenient than it used to be. Changeover to electronics further fuelled by the pandemic. The Riksbank bringing forward innovation in a number of projects.

Panel Discussion: Making instant cross-border payments a reality

10:50 - 11:20

With a growing number of countries that are renewing new domestic payment schemes to enable cross-border instant payments, the panel discussion on “Making instant cross-border payments a reality” would shed the light on where we are today in the Nordics. We will discuss the challenges and obstacles of the current infrastructure, how we envision cross-board payments in the future and what is the future role of the central bank in payment infrastructure vs commercial infrastructure.

Panel Discussion: How is Open Banking paving the way for the digital transformation of payments?

11:20 - 11:50

The panel discussion on how Open Banking is paving the way for the digital transformation of payments will touch on where we are today. What is in place and what needs to be in place to take us to the next step of open banking? We will dive in the topic of payment initiation including how has SCA impacted the uptake an innovation.

Wrap up

11:50 - 12:00

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch session – What do FI need to comply with before summer 2021?

As always, a new year in the financial sector comes with new regulatory changes. Some of the top legal advisers in Stockholm will give us an overview on what’s new on the regulation side in 2021.

Introduction to Lunch Session on New Regulations

12:00 - 12:02

Keynote: Introduction to EBA Environmental, Social or Governance (ESG) framework.

12:02 - 12:45

Niclas will give an introduction and overview to the ongoing EBA ESG framework that are under development, based on the European Commission’s Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth.

Keynote: Keynote: Introduction to EBA Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring

12:45 - 13:00

Robert will give a quick intro to the new regulator framework of Loan monitoring and origination that enterers into force this summer.

13:00 - 14:30

Core Banking Today

Co-organized with Vilja Solutions & Mambu

The core banking system sits at the heart of major banks the world over. As it is a mission critical to financial institutions it is expected to adapt alongside, connect to API services, digital banking portals, and all manner of value-added services. How does core banking technology respond to digital transformation?.

Introduction to Core Banking Today Track

13:00 - 13:05

Keynote: The bank of the future – Experience is everything

13:05 - 13:20

What do you need to think of when building the bank for the future? Today customer experience is everything, and it needs to be delivered in a customized, personalized, and real-time manner.

A bank for the future – Experience is everything. Learn why Fredrik Ulvenholm believes superbanking-app is the next big thing and understand how you can be part of it.

Panel Discussion: How does core banking technology accelerate digital transformation?

13:20 - 13:50

Core banking solutions provide basic functions of every bank that is hidden from the end-users. On this panel discussion we will dive into how the new technologies would impact the core banking going forward. What is the potential for banks to adopt the mindset of collaborate culture when they can, and compete when they must?

Panel Discussion: ABN Amro's New10 & Mambu: How to make a digital spin-off a success story.

13:50 - 14:15

Digital spin-offs: Independent, cost-effective, agile and lean. They have been on the rise in recent years, but the number of successful ones still remains modest. Join us, as we identify success factors for building a digital banking spinoff which can operate like a FinTech.

Fireside chat: Cloud and Digital transformation of banking systems

14:15 - 14:30

Together with Johan Westin we will discuss what are the trends in the digital transformation of core banking in the Nordics compared to the Asian market. And what role does the cloud play in the digital transformation of banking systems?

14:30 - 16:00

AI in Insurtech

Co-organized with Comarch

AI is slowly but steadily impacting tradition risk calculation models of insurance providers. Balancing between ensuring data protection and implementing new data points in a mostly outdated legacy system represent a blend of a challenge and an opportunity. This upcoming Insurtech track focuses on use cases of how Insurance companies developed AI strategies while sharing best and worst experiences to the ecosystem. AI change is happening; it’s just not evenly distributed yet.

Introduction to AI in Insurtech track – AI in Insurance requires Cross-Silo Leadership.

14:30 - 14:35

Keynote: Short Guide to launch of an Artificial Intelligence in Insurance

14:35 - 15:00

AI change is happening but are insurers prepared?
Seweryn will show that digital transformation for every insurance company is a key of importance to start experimenting with AI. In the Comarch short guide, three stages in the multi-level framework for digital transformation will be shown as well as what new technologies can be implemented.


Panel Discussion: Ingredients of a successful AI implementation - best practices as well as learnings from past challenges

15:00 - 15:40

The urgency to implement Blockchain and AI has been raised in uncountable industry conferences. In this panel, the question is not ‘if’ or
‘when’ but ‘how’ to lead an AI implementation project. Group Head of AI Strategy & Acceleration of a large bank, VP Industry of Product and Strategy of a provider that helps Incumbents modernise their backends and two CEOs of Insurtech that either implemented AI or are on the way to do so, will exchange their learnings.

Sharing best practices and avoiding challenges before they occur have always been at the DNA of Sthlm Fintech Week. In this panel, we would like to reflect if there is a holy grail on best practices in AI implementation of incumbents, technology providers or Insurtech companies.

Fireside chat and wrap up: This is what large players could learn from AI implementation within Insurtechs

15:40 - 16:00

Despite the 15k kilometres of distance between Stockholm and Sydney, the problems of the Insurtech ecosystem in Australia sound more than familiar.

Instead of complaining Simon O’Dell the co-founder of both Insurtech Australia (NGO) and Insurtech Gateway Australia (Accelerator) decided to go a step further. We will reflect on their investments into AI Insurtechs and wonder how a loyalty program from a supermarket chain impacts life insurance premium.

As the ecosystem’s problems sound familiar, maybe it is worth considering to implement similar solutions. Simon invests at one company at the time, supporting Insurtech teams to overcome high barriers to entry while connecting them across the ecosystem on two continents. After opening a second office in London, it feels that it would be high time for Sthlm to be next.

16:00 - 17:30

DeFi — The new operating system for financial services

DeFi, standing for decentralized finance, is a rapidly growing alternative to the traditional financial world. Based on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, DeFi removes the middlemen, increasing the potential of better returns and lower barriers to entry. It’s largely automated, censorship resistant and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Learn more about the DeFi opportunities of 2021 and beyond.

Introduction to DeFi — The new operating system for financial services track

16:00 - 16:05

Keynote: Bitcoin and DeFi in 2021

16:05 - 16:30

2020 was probably the most amazing year of all time for
cryptocurrencies. The landscape for bitcoin and decentralized finance
looks nothing like it did before. Eric Wall shares his updated
perspective as a deeply immersed industry and ecosystem participant on
what the world of cryptocurrency looks like in 2021.

Keynote: Money Legos: The Building Blocks of DeFi

16:35 - 17:00

Money legos is the term used to describe the way Ethereum allows different financial services to be plugged into each other, also known as composability.

Panel Discussion: Frontiers of Decentralized Finance beyond 2021

17:00 - 17:30

DeFi, all hype and no substance or the future of finance? The panel discusses the current state of Decentralized Finance, its challenges and the future of DeFi.

09:00 - 10:30

Regtech – Governance and Risk

The pandemic has seen a significant increase in WFH, how can Regtech help ensure proper governance and handling the changing and increased risks that this has meant for companies?

Introduction to Regtech - Governance and Risk Track

09:00 - 09:05

Keynote: The Future of RegTech

09:05 - 09:30

In this keynote, Sian will discuss the transformative potential of RegTech. Drawing on the extensive research conducted by RegTech Associates, she will give a snapshot of where the industry currently is and some future trends to watch out for. Looking to the future, she suggests how all the actors – regulators, regulated firms and RegTech vendors – can do more together to secure the future success of the sector and unleash the true power of RegTech to keep the financial system safe and sound.

Keynote: What type of governance model and culture is required to overcome the increasingly complex risk picture?

09:30 - 10:00

Christian and Heidi will speak about how to execute corporate governance effectively, organisations need to understand the ways culture influence business processes and decision-making processes.

Keynote: Data driven risk management - how do you use the "New Oil" in daily operations?

10:00 - 10:25

The importance of good data has been around for a long time, this session will look at data in the context financial crime risk and what data is needed nowadays to drive the best outcomes in risk and compliance processes.

Wrap up

10:25 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:00

Combating the Dark Side of Fintech

Fraudsters have been able to work beyond borders and organisations quicker than we have learned to work together beyond historical silos. This year’s sessions focus on different collaboration platforms that are helping to combat the Dark Side of Fintech both in Sweden and beyond. As it’s being said, all of the knowledge is in our networks, so enforcing stronger cooperation between law enforcement compliance teams and trusted organisations will leverage what Sweden is best at: pragmatic collaboration to protect our users. Every day.

Introduction to Combating the Dark Side of Fintech

10:30 - 10:35

Keynote: Collaboration is king! How the community stopped the money laundering attempts Of Fraudsters Behind The Recent Twitter Scam

10:35 - 11:00

Panel Discussion: All of the knowledge is in our networks. Best practices of systemic collaboration for Fintechs, Incumbents and Law Enforcement

11:00 - 11:40

It is easy to underline that Fintechs, Incumbents should work together more extensively with Law Enforcement, but it is unclear which information should be shared to combat the dark side of Fintech and protect users more effectively.

On one side, Fintech companies are directly connected with customers and discover complex fraud waves quicker than law enforcement. Unfortunately, the legislator equipped Fintech companies with a possibility to report suspicious transactions instead of reaching out to domain providers to take down fraudulent websites together with law enforcement.

In this panel members of Fintech MLROs and Law Enforcement discuss the currently available knowledge-sharing platforms and their potential development to incorporate the growing Fintech ecosystem.

Fireside chat: Building collaborations to enhance best practices and learn from challenges resolved by others

11:40 - 12:00

13:00 - 14:30

Regtech – Compliance

Regtech solutions have now been around for several years, have Regtech matured in coverage and the use of new tech, or is it still breaking new grounds and staying innovative?

Introduction to Regtech – Compliance track

13:00 - 13:05

Keynote: What could be slowing down regtech industry and what can we do to adapt innovative technology faster

13:05 - 13:30

Does it feel like regtech is slowing down? What is holding up the adoption of new technology and how can we make it faster and less risky? This and more about opportunities that new technology and IT organizations can bring to add oxygen to already burning-hot industry.

Panel Discussion: Lifting the lid - what is cooking in Regtech right now

13:30 - 14:00

It is no secret that COVID-19 constituted a tectonic shift for many aspects of how organisations operate. Before the pandemic, we talked a lot about the reluctance of financial institutions and other firms to proactively address inefficiencies of their compliance processes. Has this changed in the past year?

Panel Discussion: Getting and Staying Compliant - What are the first steps in this new world

14:00 - 14:25

Firms find it harder to stay on the right side of the law, but financial organisations can get help from RegTech companies. Find out the dos and don’ts in the increasingly world of compliance.

Wrap up

14:25 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00

Fraud and Cyber Security

Co-organized with Signicat & Comarch

The world has changed dramatically in 2020 with an increase in volumes in digital commerce and banking. With that, digital identity solutions continue to grow in popularity and offer numerous benefits. Thus the cyber threats are mounting. Who can defend our digital identity?.

Introduction to Fraud and Cyber Security track

14:30 - 14:35

Keynote: Business cases of Geolocation and Artificial Intelligence in Comarch’s fraud detection innovative approach

14:35 - 14:50

Business cases of usage the Geolocation and Artificial Intelligence in AML in three different countries.


Panel Discussion: Trust in the age of Digital Transformation

14:50 - 15:25

The focus of the “Trust in the Age of Digital Transformation” panel discussion is on how the increase in data traffic led to the rise of the trusted digital ID. The panelists would share their vision on the meaning of trust in the age of digital transformation and also touch base it from the cloud security prospective.

Keynote: The risky business of verifying identities in a digital world

15:25 - 15:40

Knowing who you are doing business with online has been and still is a major challenge. But why do you really need to know, and what are the pitfalls? The presentation will look at some of the important challenges of identifying, validating and authenticating people online.

Wrap up

15:40 - 15:45

16:00 - 17:30

EU for Digital Finance

In 2020, the European Commission launched the Digital Finance Package – strategies and regulations for the financial market in the EU considering the significant structural shift that is taking place in financial services. This track will take a closer look at how these changes will affect the fintech market in Sweden and the EU. Moreover, we will examine the broader challenges facing the fintech sector in Sweden.

Introduction to EU for Digital Finance track

16:00 - 16:05

Keynote: What's the Digital Finance Package?

16:10 - 16:25

Mattias will give a keynote about the European Commissions work on fintech and digital finance. Why is a Digital Finance Package needed and what’s the upcoming legislative proposals targeting the fintech-sector?

Panel Discussion: The future for Digital Finance in EU

16:25 - 16:55

This panel will discuss the development of fintech in EU from a legislative point of view. How has EU-regulations changed the market in the past and how is the coming regulations and initiatives going to change the market in the future? To answer these questions we have invited experts from the European Commission, European Parliament, the Swedish Bankers Association and the fast growing fintech-company Tink.

Panel Discussion: How do we enhance innovative forces in Swedish Fintech?

16:55 - 17:25

The Agency for Growth Analysis has released a report about the growing fintech-market, therefore we invited the policy analyst to present the report and a panel with the different actors in the fintech ecosystem to discuss the outcomes. What needs to be done to make Sweden the best fintech country in the world?

Wrap up

17:25 - 17:30